Why I Dance – Blythe Domingue

Why do I dance? I dance because it gives me a chance to express myself. When I dance at the Pretenders Studio I can express myself surrounded by a community of people that share my same passion for dance. To me the Pretenders Studio is more than just a dance studio it’s a community and…

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Why I Dance – Sophie McGowan

I dance because it’s fun. I can forget everything else & just dance! From the first day I entered the studio, I loved it. The Pretender’s Studio makes me want to do my best and try my hardest. The other dancers are supportive and the teachers are great role models. The Pretender’s Studio is more…

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Why I Dance – Tess Rosenfeld

I dance for the feeling of freedom. I dance for the feeling of joy. Dance releases something in me. It releases stress and anxiety, and it helps me forget anything bad that may have happened in the past. Dance also helps me express myself in a way that nothing else does. “Why do you dance?”…

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Why I Dance – Zoe Dale

When you see a dance performance, you see that the performers put a lot of work into it, you see that they’re having fun, and you see that they love what they are doing. But very few realize how deep those feelings go. Dance is a way to express yourself, when there may not be…

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